Day 22 Family altars—idols—god shelves
A brief walk down the alleys and paths of any area of Shimonoseki will reveal an idol of stone or a prayer
rope wrapped around some object of nature. In most homes, relatives who have passed away are to be appeased through
daily food sacrifices and incense at the Buddhist family altar, and in most businesses success is beckoned by the god shelf
in some corner of the office. In reality, whether you are inside or outside one soon realizes that Shimonoseki is physically
one large altar of demon worship. Pray against the evil darkness that blinds the understanding of those
who live here. Pray that Christ’s light would break through by the regenerating work
of the Holy Spirit and that one by one these objects would be torn down and destroyed glorifying
the true, living God.
Today’s Church: Yasuoka Church—Pastor Tanaka, UCC
Immanuel Shimonoseki Christ Church-- Pastor Hirase
Today’s False Teacher: Nakayama Shrine—a large shrine that is near to where many church members
& Pastor Tony lives.