"Devote yourselves to prayer..." (Col. 4:2)
(Verses on this page are from the NIV)
Become a crucial part of this ministry to the Japanese by praying earnestly for
us and for them. Right now we are enlisting an army of prayer warriors who will take forty days or weeks using the Operation
Shimonoseki prayer guide to pray for the people of Shimonoseki.
"Then He said to them, 'The harvest truly is great,
but the laborers are few; there- fore pray the Lord of
the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.'" (Lk. 10:2)
Short-Term Workers We are
praying for people who love God, love people, and are native speakers of English. Throw in a little bit of training in teaching
English as a foreign language to Japanese, your testimony of a life transformed by Christ, passionate prayer, and your willingness
to commit to serving with us for two years and you are ready to experience God on the front lines here in southwestern Japan.
This two year program is a ministry made just for people like you. We need singles, young married couples, and retired couples (contact Paul about this second career opportunity) to consider this exciting opportunity. To find out more please contact Misha at the PIONEERS U.S office. If you aren't from the U.S. please contact the PIONEERS home office in your country.
Longer-Term Workers God
has changed your life. God has equipped your life with His Word and His Spirit. He has given you a passion to see His Name
glorified among the nations and you hear his call to labor until every Japanese person knows...then PIONEERS wants to hear
from you. PIONEERS Japan needs more of those who would join God and us in building His church throughout all of southwestern
Japan. We are praying for career missionaries to help start new church-planting teams in other regions outside of Shimonoseki
City. We need brothers and sisters in Christ who are gifted evangelist/disciple-makers and are ready for the great adventure
of working with God on the front lines. Contact Becky at PIONEERS and let her know about your interest in serving with us!
Summer Team Workers
Go to the edge, join us for a summer and experience pioneers missions first
hand. PIONEERS, our missionary organization, has a radical summer missions program called The Edge that serves the Japanese
church and our missionary team for about two months during the summer. If you are not quite ready to go for the long haul,
but you want God to open your eyes to His work in the world, then come on and see what the Edge is all about. Click the icon
below to learn more about the Edge and contact us about future teams.
"For this administration of this service not only
supplies the needs of the saints, but also is abounding through many thanksgivings to God." (2 Cor. 9:12)
City-Wide Church-Planting & Bible
Institute Project Funding
Shimonoseki Christ Bible Church has been blessed with a new building. They expect God to use this facility to
help them proclaim Christ to their city and to their neighboring city of over 1.5 million people. However,
this church of some 100 members is in need of your help. They need $150,000 to pay for the renovations of the new
Presently, conversational English classes and the gifts and offerings of
the new Christians in this worship center supply the needed revenue to keep the center going month by month.
With over 300,000 people in Shimonoseki alone and several million in neighboring cities, God seems to be leading the
church in Shimonoseki to look to God to do even more than they every imagined. Over
the last couple of months, Pastor Tony Haug has been sought after to help start a three-year course Bible Institute and a
missionary internship program for students in the cross-cultural ministries program at Liberty University.
Pastor Tony Haug is looking for others who would capture the vision of impacting an entire city with the gospel of Jesus Christ—a vision of Bible training centers located in various parts
of the city which would train both foreign and Japanese church leaders as they make Christ known in the city. A primary
challenge to this vision is money. Think of it, ninety believers carrying out a vision to reach its city of 300,000
and the millions around it. May God raise up people who would hear the call to join them in the battle. Right
now, the biggest encouragement would be to open the gates for many co-workers to join them in the battle by providing the
training facilities and meeting locations for worship.
You, your church,
or foundation can make an investment that will have returns that will result in the salvation of thousands of Japanese, many
of whom will be the first EVER in their family line to put their faith in Christ. If you would like more information
please contact the Shimonoseki City team leader, Tony Haug.
Gifts-In-Kind Workers need
tools. Bibles, vehicles, computers, video projectors, audio systems....the list could go on-and-on. Our team and Shimonoseki
Christ Bible Church would be so appreciative of any quality used and new donated items or simply a money gift to cover the
purchase of the needed equipment.
Financial Support Our
missionaries whether short-term or longer term cover most or all of their living and ministry expenses through the gracious
gifts of God's people. The needs vary from missionary to missionary based on number of children, ministry focus, or special
medical or educational needs. God is always faithful to provide and to answer the prayers of His people.
(Connect to PIONEERS Site)