OPERATION SHIMONOSEKI: 30 Day or Week Prayer Guide for the People of Shimonoseki
Would you please join us in this important prayer endeavor?
We are asking the LORD to raise up more than 3000 pray warriors
for the people of Shimonoseki and to bring over the next year (Summer 2007-Summer 2008) at least 3000 Japanese to Christ.
Please sign our guestbook below indicating that you are joining this band of 3000 prayer warriors. You may download
and print off the guide to carry with you (small file size, low quality pictures) or you can visit the Operation Shimonoseki site to see the pictures and to read the requests each day or week. Again, we praise God for leading you to join our
missionary team in this powerful way!
Together for His glory, The PIONEERS—Shimonoseki, Japan